Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chicago + NCA = Pure Happiness

"My kind of town.
Chicago is my kind of town.
Chicago is my kind of people, too;
People who smile at you,"

--Frank Sinatra- My Town of Town

So, I love that song, and, I love my city...Chicago that is. Now that I am in school, I haven't been to Chicago in months (I'd have to say, I miss it a lot). However, it hasn't recently gotten really violent, and almost dangerous to live in the city--but, as a Chicagoan, I will never loose my love for Chicago or the people. As Sinatra said, "People who smile, at you" I love that! The cold wintry weather, snow, below zero temps, and negative wind chill off lake Michigan...I just love it! I would be remiss if I didn't mention the extravagant Magnificent Mile (Oh, how I love shopping) or the incredible array of restaurants...how can one not like Chicago? As Sinatra states, "The best is yet to come.."I feel the same about Chicago.

Well, tomorrow, I will be going to Chicago
for the National Communication Conference, which is being held in the heart and beauty of downtown Chicago--the place I will always call home. Nonetheless, I am extremely excited for the NCA conference, and more excited that is being held in such a gorgeous, attractive, and sleepless city! I am also looking forward to meeting tons of new people, I love to network, especially those whom share the same interest as I do. More importantly, this will be my first conference, (first BIG conference, that is)..so, as you one can tell, I am anxious, nervous, and excited all at the same time. Also, as an undergraduate student, I feel extremely weird going to a conference with the majority of the attendees being professors and graduate students; however, I am close, I have one more year. Soon, and really soon, I will be working on my MA/PhD--and then, I won't feel so weird. But, hey, what can I say, I love education and am fond of research.

I have so much to do before I leave tomorrow..I feel a little overwhelmed with getting things together. Oh, btw, I am not presenting at this conference--I will most certainly be presenting at the next conference. And, so with that, I say I love Chicago, and elated that the NCA is being held in Chicago! See you all soon, tootlez...

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